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Testimonial | PPM Car Rental

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Denny Singapore
I have known Jenny since 2010 and she always been my choice for transport since then. Her drivers (Dwi and Diduk) are very reliable, punctual and trustworthy. Thanks Jen. Keep up the good service standart -
Mr. Denny from Singapore
Since 2010 until 2019
Ms. Sylvi Singapore May 2019
Hi Jenny , Juki is n excellent driver👍🏻 thanks so much for your arrangement. - Innova reborn
Ibu Yanti 12 Jan 2019 kelapa gading tujuan Bandung
Dear Jenny, terimakasih untuk layanan mobilnya. Supir (Imam) amat sopan dan rajin angkat koper2 berat. Mobil bersih dan harga sewa wajar. Saya pasti akan rekomen ke teman yang perlu. Sukses selalu!
Kendaraan Avanza 12 Jan 2019 tujuan Bandung
Ibu Maria Jakarta
Saya gak akan pindah ke lain hati .. Driver nya bisa diandalkan dan mobil selalu bersih
Ms. Chan from Hongkong
Dear Jenny .. Both the driver and the service are great
:) thanks very much for your arrangement from Ms. Chan - From Hongkong 24 Des 2018
Dari Ibu Maria Juli 2018
Jen terima kasih utk service ppm ya. Mobil bagus, bersih. Dan Juki juga sopir yg baik, kami suka. Nyetir nya bagus, engga serundulan haha. Tadi dia temanin kami turun ke monas, tunjukin jalan ke monas dan jalannke istana merdeka. Krn saya ga ngerti jalanan nya. Baik dia. Thanks ya. Sampai lain kali lagi saya plg indo ya.
Mr. Stephen from Singapore
Hello Bu just wanted to say thank you for your excellent drivers especially Hendra. Also your vehicle nice, clean and very professional. We will use again in the near future
Ibu Elly (Manulife)
Kami sangat puas akan layanan yg diberikan baik dengan Mobil ϑάπ drivernya, sopan santun, tepat waktu..maupun Biaya akomodasi mobilnya. Serta pelayanan yg sgt ramah mulai dr saat kami
booking.Thx banget..JKT.
Pemakaian kijang innova tgl 30 Agst - 4 Sept 2011 tujuan Jawa Tengah.
Ms. Sri Karmini (PT. Ts Tech Indonesia)
We use the services of PPM Carrental "Ms. Jenny" from the year 2009, the service provided was satisfactory.Success to Ms jenny and team,hopefully always be able to maintain customer satisfaction. We use car rent services of Innova.
Stanley & Rina (Jl. Janur Kuning. Kelapa Gading)
Dear Jenny, terima kasih untuk mobilnya. Kami sangat puas terhadap layanan yang diberikan. I"ll surely recommend you to my friends/colleagues that migth need car rental service.
Thank You. (Car Wedding - 22 Jan 2011. Nissan Serena Silver)
Lena - Bangka
Thanks sebelum dan sesudahnya utk layanan jasa rental mobil. Sungguh menyenangkan mendapat pelayanan yg amat sangat bersahabat dan tepat waktu. Supirnya sgt menyenangkan, santun, dan helpfull. Sampai ketemu lagi Bu. GBU
Ir. Hary Jap (Predir Indoproperty Real Estate)
Jenny is doing great job with her PPM Car Rental.
I am more than happy to recommended and I looking forward to use the service, again & again.
Adam Wong (Former Chief of Macy’s Jakarta)
This is a personal recommendation for Ms. Jenny and Mr. Martin of PPM Car Rental and verification of their excellent for the car rental services to MACYS Jakarta Rep. Office from 2006 to 2009. I found on their quality service has been consistently pleasant, tackling all assignments with dedication and commitment. Ms. Jenny was also extraordinarily helpful in other areas of my personal needs on transportation schedule request. I highly recommend for your priority on her car rental service and you should rest assure that her company would make a great asset to your organization.
Sincerely, Adam Wong Former Chief of Macy’s Jakarta Rep. Office
Steve Bligh (Owner of Marc Travel Service) - Lippo Karawaci
Marc Travel Service"s is a company specialised in handling malaysian golfers in Jakarta and we work closely with ibu Jenny for all our transportation requierments...Very good , very reliable and dedicated drivers
Eric Ong (Export Manager of PRESTAR MANUFACTURING SDN BHD) - Kuningan
I have been using PPM car rental for a few months and am very pleased with the service offered. Even for last minute urgent rentals, Ms. Jenny always delivers. I highly recommend PPM for short term and long term rentals as their cars are always clean and in good condition and with excellent and trustworthy drivers
Dennis Zulkarnain - Surabaya
PPM Car Rental, pengemudinya selalu tepat waktu, bila kita meninggalkan barang bawaan di kendaraan juga aman. dan driver-drivernya cukup baik pengetahuan jalan-jalannya
Ibu Avi - Kelapa Gading
Terima kasih bu atas service-nya Saya sangat puas atas servicenya. Saya sangat puas bu dengan mobilnya dan drivernya.
05 Juni 2010 (Tujuan Bogor - Kendaraan Luxio)